That Lambic is a versatile beer needs no further explanation. We have yet to discover where its limits lie. And new boundaries is something that the ‘gipsy brewery’ Mikkeller likes to go searching for. And so, one day they knock on the door of Brewery Lindemans.
“The Belgian Lambics have something mysterious about them,” says Mikkel Borg Bjergsø, founder of Mikkeller. “The spontaneous fermentation process adds to that mystery. We have been experimenting with pretty much all beer styles, and finally we got to work with Lindemans Lambic!”
Breaking the mold among existing beer styles, the brewers combined efforts to craft a Gueuze with a twist. The result? SpontanBasil. An authentic old Gueuze beer with fresh basil, a surprisingly fresh taste and a Golden blond, slightly cloudy colour.
The ideal aperitif, also perfect for food pairing.
6% ABV