
Eureka Brewing Company Double Bogey Double IPA - when science and beer collide

Posted by John Shearlock on

When Archimedes famously discovered his physical law of buoyancy he leapt from the bath naked and ran through the town of Syracuse, joyfully shouting Eureka at the top of his voice. Little did he know, as he let it all swing free, that a couple of millennia later, a small brewery in California would adopt this as their name and begin making some interesting brews like today’s weighty double IPA called Double Bogey.I threw the word weighty in there as double IPAs are big heavy beers and, yes, I’m trying to find some sort of theme here - which worryingly...

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One Drop Brewing 444 Imperial Pastry Stout and the subjectivity of numbers

Posted by John Shearlock on

We see numbers as absolutes, entities that exist unto themselves inhabiting the quantitative realm and shunned from the qualitative. But, as is often the case when humans get involved, turns out that numbers are actually quite subjective - or at least their meaning.The sequence 444 is a perfect example. This is an angel number - a series of repeating digits that, for whatever reason, some people believe hold a divine meaning. In this case, the number 4 pertains to wealth, and when repeated thrice, is a strong signal of an upturn in financial fortunes.This sort of superstition pops up all...

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One Drop Brewing - Rainbow Country Fruited Glitter Sour Ale

Posted by John Shearlock on

From the lemon gold of pilsners to the deep mahogany of Flanders reds, the world of beer really is a myriad of colours. But colour can be deceptive and, well, all that glitters isn’t necessarily gold.As humans we are hardwired to respond to colour in certain ways thanks to our evolutionary past. The ripeness of vegetables and fruits can, for the most part, be ascertained by colour, and so we see deep reds and think of sweetness, whilst greens have us primed for bitterness. Missing flavour cues would literally have been a matter of life and death at some points...

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Urbanaut Barrel Aged Bermuda Triangle Brut Double IPA

Posted by John Shearlock on

It’s always fun watching the evolution of breweries, how they change, grow and develop their thing - and Urbanaut is the perfect example. They began brewing for the “global citizen” with a small range of classic beers inspired by cities and cultures with names like Kingsland Pilsner, Brixton Pale Ale and Williamsburg IPA. I guess a theme is a good means of bringing direction in the early days when you are very much finding your way. Today’s beer though, shows just how far they have come, and its naming seems equally apt. The Bermuda Triangle is a vague area and...

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One Drop Blueberry & Raspberry Fairy Floss Sour and the remarkable ride

Posted by John Shearlock on

I love beer! I also love words too, and the naming of this beer - plus the thought of ingesting it - has my mind literally racing in a million directions. Is it a sour beer whose flavour profile will somehow conjure up the image of a fairy doing “the floss” once I get it in my mouth (you know, the dance that only small children seem able to perform)? Or, will it evoke the experience of using a blueberry fairy (a sub-species I would presume) to floss between one's teeth?I’d be entirely happy with either, but after reading the...

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